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Designing Your New Beverly Hills Home: 5 Coffee Table Alternatives That Are Anything but Traditional

From luxurious mansions and world-class shopping and dining facilities to safe tree-lined streets and famous residents, Beverly Hills luxury real estate is a homebuyer’s dream. If you just bought or are in the process of buying a Beverly Hills home, you may already be going through interior décor ideas in your head. This article will help you pick a table alternative for your living room. Beyond function, tables bring your décor together and form a centerpiece around which to position your furniture. But nothing says you need to stick to a traditional table in your new home. Consider these alternatives. 

A Cluster of Tables

Consider the size of the home your Beverly Hills real estate agent helps you find and pick a table alternative that is larger or smaller than a traditional table. A cluster of tables works well in large living rooms and can deliver more design flexibility. Rather than group several tables together, however, consider a tiered design combining different table sizes, shapes, and textures. You can also match the color and texture and vary the sizes. This option is highly adaptable.  

An Ottoman

Ottomans are highly versatile. In addition to acting as a table where you can lay items, it can also provide a footrest and extra sitting area. Some ottomans also feature hidden storage compartments where you can store books, trinkets, linens, and more. Beyond versatility, ottomans allow you to play around with color, shapes, size, and texture. This is why they are the most common table alternative. 

A Side Table

A side table is technically still a table, but it is a great coffee table alternative for smaller rooms. Most side tables have a small, simple design, which means they can provide function without cluttering your space. They are great for placing next to a couch or lounge chair and can usually fit into small or unique spaces where coffee tables cannot. You can place your drink there as you lounge on your chair.

A Vintage Trunk

A vintage trunk is a unique piece that can instantly add interest to your living room space. Because it is traditional, it can infuse a sense of history and charm into a modern or contemporary room. Vintage trunks are also fun and eclectic and can make an interesting focal point for the rest of your art and furniture. They also provide hidden storage space for all those miscellaneous items lying around your living room. 

A Carved Piece of Wood or Tree Stump

Like a vintage trunk, a carved piece of wood or tree stump is a clever way to “hip up” your living room. But these options provide a more natural rustic feel to your home reminiscent of cabins, ranches, and bohemian homes. Wood also comes in a wide range of finishes, sizes, colors, and shapes, so the look is more versatile.

Explore Beverly Hills Homes for Sale with Jade Mills

Trying new, exciting, and unconventional décor ideas is just one perk of living in Beverly Hills – the luxury capital of the world. But before you start picking out furniture, you need to find a home. Contact Jade Mills today to gain exclusive access to active Beverly Hills listings. Jade Mills boasts a whopping $8 billion in sales and can help you find your dream home.

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