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How Many 80lb Bags of Concrete Make a Yard

how many 80lb bags of concrete in a yard


When it comes to construction projects, one of the most frequent questions that arises is: “How many 80lb bags of concrete do I need for a yard?” Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned construction professional, understanding the math behind concrete quantities can save time, money, and effort. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about calculating the number of 80lb bags of concrete required for a yard.

Understanding Concrete Quantities

The Basics

Concrete is generally sold in bags that range from 40 to 80 pounds. The 80lb bags are the most commonly used for small to medium-sized projects.

Units of Measurement

In the United States, the cubic yard is the standard unit of measurement for large volumes of materials like concrete. Knowing how to convert cubic yards to bags is essential for precise planning.

The Formula: How to Calculate

Here’s the formula you need:

Number of 80lb bags=27 cubic feet in a yardCubic feet per 80lb bag

The 80lb bag typically covers about 0.6 cubic feet. Therefore, the equation becomes:

Number of 80lb bags=270.6=45

So, you’d need approximately 45 bags of 80lb concrete to make a yard.

Factors That Can Influence the Calculation

Moisture in Sand or Aggregate

Wet sand or aggregate can affect the mix and may require more concrete.

Waste and Overages

It’s advisable to purchase an extra 10% to account for spillage, over-excavation, or changes in plan.

Practical Tips

  1. Check Consistency: Make sure all bags are of the same brand to ensure uniformity in the mixture.
  2. Monitor the Weather: Conditions like high humidity and temperature can affect concrete setting times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I mix brands or types of concrete?

  • A: Mixing brands or types can result in inconsistent texture and strength. Stick to one brand for a project.

Q: Is it better to buy in bulk?

  • A: For larger projects, buying concrete in bulk might be more cost-effective but consider the logistics and storage needs.

Q: What about smaller projects?

  • A: For smaller projects, you can break down the cubic yardage to fit your specific needs and purchase the exact number of bags.


The task of converting concrete quantities from cubic yards to 80lb bags is a crucial aspect of construction planning. The general rule of thumb is that one cubic yard of concrete is approximately equal to 45 bags of 80lb concrete. By being aware of factors like moisture and waste, you can tailor this rule to meet your specific needs. Equipped with this knowledge, you can approach your next construction project with confidence.

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