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Top Reasons Your Kitchen Feels Hot

They say that, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. However, that doesn’t really apply to people who need to cook to serve meals on their tables. It can be difficult, especially during summer, to cook in a hot kitchen. It can also be very dangerous because cooking equipment gets very hot, and they are at risk of breaking down or catching on fire.

You don’t want your hot household appliances to ignite in flames in your already hot kitchen. Moreover, staying in a hot place for long periods can be dangerous to your health, too. You could suffer from heatstroke and dehydration if you don’t take measures to cool yourself down. So, what can you do? There are ways that you can prevent your kitchen from feeling hot, and we will discuss them below:

Oven is On   

There’s nothing worse than trying to cook dinner with an oven that won’t turn off. It could be that the oven has an auto shut-off feature, or it might just be broken. Either way, you need to turn off the oven before it starts a fire. If it’s broken, call an oven repair service to fix it as soon as possible. If you think that the oven may have a faulty auto shut-off feature, place something under the door to stop it from closing all the way. This should prevent the oven from starting up again.

Also, if you have turned on your range hood while cooking something, but forgot to turn it off when done, then that too will contribute to the heat in your kitchen.

No Air Flow       

When there is no airflow in the kitchen, it can feel much hotter than other rooms in your house. As we mentioned earlier, heat rises and gets trapped in one place when there’s no way to get out.

You can try turning on a fan or two to circulate the air throughout the entire space. This will help to keep your kitchen cool. Moreover, open windows if possible for ventilation. This will ensure that the hot air can come out and fresh, cool air can come into the space.

Address Sun Reflection and Absorption

Painting your kitchen a light color can help reflect heat and reduce how hot it feels. That’s the general principle behind painting exterior walls white so that they don’t absorb as much heat from the sun.

This principle can be more or less effective depending on the product used to paint, so be sure to research it thoroughly before undertaking such a project. Also, you can just opt for some simple ways such as getting lighter-colored curtains for your windows and drapes depending on what window treatments you have in order to keep them closed during those hours of peak sunlight exposure. This is especially needed if the windows in the kitchen are in direct sunlight.

Look around the kitchen and find any reflective surfaces, such as metal or glass. If your cabinets and countertops are made of those materials, then they’re probably contributing to the heat levels. Cover them up with towels or table cloths so that they don’t reflect the sun’s rays into the space.

Extreme Heat Outside

If it’s extremely hot outside, then that will make your kitchen feel hotter than usual. When the heat is really high, your body naturally tries to cool itself down by sweating.

While this works for short periods of time, it wears you out quickly in hot conditions.

So what can you do? Take regular breaks from the kitchen by going into a cooler area in your house. You could also take a shower or bath after cooking, and that will help you cool down without getting dehydrated.

If the weather is so hot that you’ll be cooking for hours, then you might want to move your activity outdoors. You could cook outside on a grill or picnic table and bring the food inside when you’re finished. That way, your kitchen won’t get as hot as it would if you were just cooking indoors. Moreover, you wouldn’t be adding more heat inside the house by opening ovens and stoves. In addition, you and your loved ones will be able to enjoy the cool breeze.

It’s not always possible to stay out of the kitchen if it’s hot because it’s the area of the home that is crucially needed to survive, especially if you have a family to feed. It would help to know why it’s hot in the kitchen to be able to correct the problem.

Meta title: Why Your Kitchen Feels Too Hot?
meta desc: The kitchen can feel hot for many reasons. It could be the weather, or something might be wrong with your household appliances and kitchen layout.

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