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2 Factors That Explain Why a Solar Panel is Better than the Rest

Solar energy is one of the most popular forms of renewable energy sources available in Australia today, along with hydroelectricity, wind power, geothermal energy plus a lot more. In Brisbane and in many other locations, solar panels have been extensively used in homes, thanks to the abundant sunlight this country is getting.

If you happen to live in a sunny region, you may be interested to have those panels, too, since they are noted to have many benefits. You should contact any solar repair company to know if solar energy fits your needs and budget.

To date, who has never heard of the many tremendous benefits of solar panels? Okay, let’s no longer dig deeper into that because data is readily available on the Web. Instead, we simply compare solar, wind and geothermal energy, just to determine how the solar panel comes out the best from among the rest.

Why Solar Panels Are Better

Since electricity is generated not from burning fossil fuels but from sunlight, solar panels have been noted to have no direct greenhouse gas emissions. Plus, you don’t hear any irritating noise when those efficient panels on your roof are in the process of converting sunlight into electricity. With clean energy, you’re helping the environment and mankind, too.

With geothermal power, experts attest that geothermal fields don’t practically produce emissions but it’s during the extraction of that energy from the grounds that causes greenhouse gases, the likes of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and methane, to be released.

Further, among the requirements for geothermal systems to be installed is a substantial piece of land next to the house. Meaning, most big city dwellers won’t ever have the chance to avail themselves. With solar power, all you need is your sturdy roof.

Wind power on the other hand, brings potential noise problems produced by even just one wind turbine which can be heard from far distances. The noise could keep the whole community awake, unlike with solar panels – you’re assured of a good night’s sleep. Besides, windmills prefer to be installed on top of higher elevations where there are no blockades that can reduce the speed of wind.

Not only do solar panels work during hot sunny days but they also do in colder temperatures. And you can still use that energy even during night time with home battery storage systems, contrary to popular beliefs. Because the modern panels are that efficient, they can still generate electricity even in low-light situations.

With geothermal sources, there’s a tendency for heat to cool down (not deplete) in some particular locations after some time, hence the trouble of not harvesting enough energy for future use. The only heat source that could be described as non-depletable is the magma where energy can be sourced. But the technology for that is still being studied.

Meanwhile, the sad reality about wind power is that it’s beset by fluctuating wind patterns. Wind speeds fluctuate every single day. That said, finding the best location to set up turbines is a must for developers before they can start installation.

There are still lots more factors why solar panels are better than the rest. Now is your time to do your due diligence.

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