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What Are the Risks of Living in a Home with High Levels of Radon?

We’ve all heard about radon in our Chemistry classes, but we never really stopped to think about how it could affect our everyday lives. Turns out, radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas that seeps up from the ground and can cause lung cancer. It’s estimated that radon causes about 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States. 

There are many risks associated with living in a home with high levels of radon. Here are a few of the most important ones:

  1. Increased risk of lung cancer– Radon is a known carcinogen, and exposure to high levels of the gas can increase your risk of developing lung cancer. In the United States alone, it’s estimated that radon causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year. This is why it’s so important to have your home tested for radon and to take action to reduce levels if they’re high.
  2. Respiratory problems– In addition to causing lung cancer, radon exposure can also lead to other respiratory problems, such as bronchitis and asthma. If you already have respiratory problems, radon exposure can make them worse. The best way to protect yourself and your family is to have your home tested and to take action to reduce levels if necessary.
  3. Increased risk of other cancers– While lung cancer is the most common type of cancer associated with radon exposure, it’s not the only one. Studies have shown that radon exposure can also increase your risk of developing other types of cancer, such as leukemia and stomach cancer. When it comes to your health, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. 
  4. Birth defects– Radon exposure can also lead to birth defects in children. If you’re pregnant and thinking about having your home tested for radon, it’s important to talk to your doctor first. They can help you weigh the risks and benefits of testing and help you make the best decision for your situation.
  5. Damage to property– In addition to causing health problems, radon can also damage your home. The gas can seep into cracks and holes in your foundation and cause structural damage over time. If you have high levels of radon in your home, it’s important to take action to reduce them not only for your health but for the sake of your property.
  6. Financial burden– The health problems and property damage caused by radon can also lead to a financial burden. Treating health problems caused by radon exposure can be expensive, and repairing damage to your home can also take a toll on your finances. This is yet another reason why it’s so important to have your home tested for radon and to take action to reduce levels if necessary.

Overall, living in a home with high levels of radon is a big risk. There are many potential health problems and financial burdens that come along with it. Protect yourself and your family by being informed and taking action.

What can you do to reduce your risk?

If you’re concerned about radon in your home, the best thing you can do is have your home inspected. There are companies that inspect radon in homes in Aurora. They can help you take action to reduce levels if necessary. You can also buy a radon test kit and test your home yourself. If you find that levels are high, there are steps you can take to reduce them. Sealing cracks and holes in your foundation is one way to prevent radon from seeping into your home. You can also install a radon mitigation system, which will help to reduce levels of the gas.

The bottom line is that living in a home with high levels of radon is a big risk. There are many potential health problems and financial burdens that come along with it. Protect yourself and your family by being informed and taking action.


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